{"id":8344,"date":"2020-11-18T18:07:38","date_gmt":"2020-11-18T14:07:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.procontact-solutions.fr\/pour-une-entreprise-agile-misez-sur-un-partenariat-efficace-avec-votre-fournisseur-dexternalisation\/"},"modified":"2020-11-18T18:41:06","modified_gmt":"2020-11-18T14:41:06","slug":"for-an-agile-business-rely-on-an-effective-partnership-with-your-outsourcing-provider","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.procontact-solutions.fr\/en\/for-an-agile-business-rely-on-an-effective-partnership-with-your-outsourcing-provider\/","title":{"rendered":"For an agile business, rely on an effective partnership with your outsourcing provider!"},"content":{"rendered":"

Over time and with great perseverance, the outsourcing sector has become a major player in the development of many companies. These, by gaining agility and flexibility, have managed to grow, remain competitive, while going through the most complex economic crisis. ProContact is your supplier if you wish to make a qualitative difference both internally and on relation to your customers.<\/p>\n

What is an agile business?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

The Definitions-Marketing website explains what an agile company is: \u201cThe concept of an agile company generally refers to a company that is able to adapt very quickly to its environment both in terms of its strategy and its operational practices\u201d.<\/p>\n

The concept of agile business was first developed in relation to internet start-ups and other companies linked to new technologies, because on one hand, this constantly-evolving environment requires strong adaptability, and on the other hand, the “virtual” or “immaterial” presence of the Internet makes it easier “to change or even to reorient strategies. Therefore, it is not uncommon for Internet enterprises to completely review their business model quickly after time after their creation.<\/p>\n

While the concept of an agile business has been mainly established at the core of the digital environment, it is now also claimed by large “traditional” companies, especially through their “global digitalisation” approaches. The notion of agile business is partly related to that of agile marketing.<\/p>\n

Why choose the concept of agility?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Yes, outsourcing is a factor of agility! By taking this approach, your business can win on various fronts:<\/p>\n