Externaliser pendant la pandémie

Five benefits of outsourcing during the Covid-19 pandemic

No sector is spared! It is time to reinvent business strategies in order to set up processes and offers at a new pace. Today, companies must react and respond to new challenges in an unpredictable context. As such, day-to-day operations are taking place under the seal of innovation and adaptation. For some companies, it was necessary to close physical structures in order to maintain efficient financial operations. The Covid-19 pandemic has been particularly problematic for companies requiring B2B/ B2C prospecting, remote secretary services, customer relationship service with flexible schedules, satisfaction surveys, prospecting, loyalty, etc. If you wish to continue to expand and satisfy your customers, outsourcing with ProContact is the best answer, especially considering the current economic context!

Why turn to outsourcing?

Outsourcing is a solution that can seem complicated to set up. With the right partner, this project can quickly materialise and above all give results that allow each actor to produce a solid and lasting outcome. Here are the advantages of outsourcing with ProContact:

To gain financial efficiency

Due to COVID-19, many countries have imposed more or less total containment as well as curfew hours. These restrictions have forced many companies that are deemed to be non-essential by the authorities to close their offices. Nonetheless, despite the decline in revenues and the slowdown in cash collection, business processes must continue. Outsourcing allows you to delegate at a lower cost all the tasks that will allow your company to continue operating while on your side, you can focus on innovation and your core business. Increase in efficiency by delegating time-consuming and resource-intensive tasks.

To gain agility

Small businesses are undoubtedly the biggest economic victims of the pandemic. How can they hope to survive in a competitive environment that is set to change after COVID-19? It is time to prepare for the economic recovery, which will undoubtedly be the scene of new opportunities.

For this, you must be ready to adapt, to position yourself optimally to cater to the rebound and economic growth. Be part of forward-thinking companies that are quick to adapt to join a context in which everything is done in the short term, but especially with reduced competition.

By being agile, you will be able to respond quickly and effectively to the changing demands to resume the path of growth and success. ProContact is a reliable outsourcing provider that will help you forge a solid agile exchange system, so you can take advantage of any economic opportunities that come your way.

To gain scalability

Outsourcing with an experienced supplier will give your business a high degree of scalability. ProContact has proven that outsourcing during the Covid-19 pandemic can help companies position themselves strategically and transparently in the market.

Established in the industry for almost 20 years, our call centre can provide you with additional expertise thanks to trained, bilingual and handpicked agents. Our know-how is key for your company to streamline its expertise, gain new market share and improve synergies.

Outsourcing to ProContact is the guarantee of diversifying the knowledge of your internal resources. Your company will be able to improve its positioning, especially in an environment that increasingly favours remote working.

For fast and state-of-the-art communication

Thanks to new technologies and digitalisation, the actors of the company can now consult one another without being in the same place. While face-to-face exchanges are of some importance in this period of lockdown and curfew, it must also be accepted that virtual meetings now have a concrete and sustainable role.

At ProContact, we have been dealing with companies located abroad since our beginnings, so we have all the necessary channels to communicate quickly and easily!

For additional protection of your data

ProContact has indisputable technical expertise in customer data protection. In the current context, fuelled by legal and business changes, your company must be able to comply with all changes and preserve the security of its data. Our expertise is the guarantee that your information and that of your customers will be completely protected.

We have all the necessary technology and knowledge to ensure that your mission runs in the best possible conditions. Our officers are trained on an ongoing basis so that every piece of information is recorded in full compliance with the established regulations and laws.

Contact us!

Many tasks take time and require experience and skills that you may not have in-house. In this Covid-19 period, be agile by signing a strong and transparent partnership with one of the outsourcing leaders in the Indian Ocean area.

ProContact is more than just a contact centre. Thanks to trained, qualified, handpicked and multilingual agents, we enable companies that choose us to gain credibility and above all to satisfy their customers. To learn more about our services and for a quality partnership, click on our contact form, send us an e-mail or call us on (+33) 1 77 75 04 50.

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