When is right time to outsource?

Outsourcing is a powerful solution for companies that want to grow and face fierce competition, while positioning themselves favourably in the market. Regardless of their size, they are able to bridge the skills gaps within their teams, improve their efficiency and better focus on their core business.

Today, technology makes outsourcing particularly affordable, so much so that some countries have made it their field of expertise, like Mauritius, the leader in its region, when it comes to call centres. However, it is important, as a potential customer, to ensure that this solution is adequate. This can be done by, for example, taking stock of the ability of your services to perform certain tasks effectively.

3 questions to determine if outsourcing is the solution for your business

Before you start, keep in mind that outsourcing is a tool. If used with thought and organisation, it will allow the company to better focus on its core business while allowing another firm to, also, focus on its specialty!

Will outsourcing help your business grow?

Deloitte’s 2018 Global Survey on outsourcing highlighted the financial factor as one of the main benefits of outsourcing. However, companies are not content with just this. On the contrary, they turn to this solution for the opportunity to work with partners to integrate services that they would not otherwise be able to provide.

For start-ups, outsourcing can be the key to fast and efficient development, which would not be possible without this added value.

Will outsourcing bring additional know-how to your teams?

Yes, outsourcing can enhance the skills of your teams! Take, for example, a marketing team that is well trained, but does not have the time to deal with teleprospecting and remote marketing. By outsourcing this part of their mission, you will allow the same team to implement its expertise and to improve it, thus completing its mission. In other words, whether it is regarding human resources, satisfaction surveys to measure the quality of your services or even your secretarial services, outsourcing is a way to help your internal teams improve and excel.

Is outsourcing likely to make your teams less efficient?

Outsourcing is not just about entrusting “time-consuming” or low-value-added tasks. Indeed, in some cases, the conclusion is that your company needs to outsource some basic services. In such a case, it is not a question of stealing the expertise of a team, but of an opportunity for it to devote itself more effectively to its profession and to be more productive. How? Outsourcing is an opportunity to streamline processes and free up time for critical projects.

To sum up this part, any company, whether it is an SME or a very large organisation, can start its outsourcing process by asking these three essential questions. Outsourcing is above all a strategic solution, which allows, for example, small companies to position themselves favourably in relation to the larger ones. In any case, it is essential to take stock of the services that can be entrusted to a third party company, always with the aim of obtaining optimal results.

Signs that it’s time to outsource!

Nowadays, in a merciless competitive environment, with constant pressure on the global market, every company has the mission to manage its business in the most efficient way possible, while reducing operational costs and maintaining a high quality of service. If you find yourself in one of the following balance sheets, your company is ready for outsourcing.

My employees do not have the time, resources and training required to manage certain tasks: Let us imagine that a department of your company must manage an essential task on a daily basis. However, the people working in this department do not have the time, training or even the resources to tackle it in a smooth and efficient way. In such a case, outsourcing is the most appropriate solution, as it will allow you to collaborate with competent and well-equipped professionals who know and understand your problem. In addition to saving time and energy, these professionals will also be mentored.

My company operates on a controlled budget: It is a fact, outsourcing is very successful because it significantly reduces the operating costs of its followers. Delegation of certain services (remote secretary, satisfaction survey, HR, teleshopping, telemarketing and others) will allow your company to reduce its operating expenses, those related salaries and to increase its profits.

My company is stagnating: There is no question about it; your company is not able to develop properly in its sector. For example, your marketing department is too busy with daily routine tasks and is thus unable to come up with new ideas for marketing your product or service. Outsourcing these tasks will allow your marketing department to change its core objectives and to focus on its core mission.

My employees are short of ideas: This phenomenon is quite typical in companies that have been in the market for a long time with a strong team of employees. If recruiting new heads can be the miracle solution, it has a cost not only in time, but above all in money. Outsourcing is here a perfectly reasonable solution since the arrival of outsiders is synonymous with new ideas! It will allow your company to take new directions and to implement new ideas.

My management team is overburdened: outsourcing specialists are reliable and responsible, which will save you from constantly monitoring their work to make sure they are serious. If your management team is overburdened, outsourcing is a very feasible solution, provided, of course, you create an internal control team, which will supervise the whole.

Outsourcing is not a futile attempt to keep our heads above water, but a real organisational decision to delegate certain functions to outside professionals specialised in this type of mission. To support them, they can rely on technologies, which also evolve with phenomenal speed and this is particularly reassuring for companies wishing to outsource.

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