Company, outsource your training management department!

As an HR-specific activity, your company’s training management can be handled by an outsourcing provider. Why? You will benefit from solid expertise, save time and focus on your core business. In addition, the area is subject to several changes in vocational training, legal instability and simplification. There are also issues and training methods that have evolved.

Building your employees’ competence: a constant challenge

Today, in addition to the many challenges that businesses face, there is one that is vital: providing their employees with the knowledge, skills and capabilities that they need to have for the evolution of their business. It is therefore essential to have a training management service that is proactive and always ready to deliver skills and knowledge in a clear and effective way.

Outsourcing: a definition

First of all, let’s go back to outsourcing. This solution allows companies to entrust one or more services to an external provider. The latter is committed to taking charge of tasks that will support the client company in its development and its positioning in the market. Regardless of the outsourced service, here’s what to remember about outsourcing:

  • It is necessary to distinguish between outsourcing, which is a service, and subcontracting, which is aimed at the industry and which involves the production of a product for a client company.
  • Outsourcing is a long-term mission. It is in the company’s interest to find a supplier who will become its partner, so that this collaboration takes place under the sign of sustainability.
  • Outsourcing improves the company’s performance, enabling it to focus on its core business.

The outsourcing of your training management department

For a calm and collaborative outsourcing, it is essential to define all the tasks that will be taken care of by the provider. Everything will depend on your needs, your objectives and with regards to the outsourcing of the training management service of your company, we usually take into account the following elements:

  • The training aspect : who will be responsible for the various stages of the implementation of the training plan for employees? From the logistical part, if necessary, to the request for training, through the organization of sessions.
  • The administrative aspect : management of the relationship with organizations and funders, requests for support from financial firms, purchases, registration of documents, compliance with legal obligations, reporting and, in some cases, invoice management.
  • The designing aspect of the training policy (only in some cases), if the provider proposes such an option.

Successful outsourcing depends on a supplier who has excellent knowledge of his trade!

Outsourcing is therefore a tool, a solution, that allows the company to evolve, grow and establish its position in a competitive and globalized market. It is therefore essential to choose the right provider. This is based, not on the amount of tasks he is ready to perform, but on his practical knowledge of vocational training and his ability to stay up to date on the best practices and trends.

Outsourcing helps you deal with a changing legal framework

In order to make the training system more fluid, understandable and effective, authorities have chosen to simplify it. For instance:

  • The monetization of CPF,
  • New governance of the training system,
  • Unique contribution of the training,
  • Competency development plan,
  • Evolution of CEP
  • The Career transition Project,
  • The new “Pro-A” device »,
  • Enriched professional interview,
  • New quality requirements,
  • The deletion of the 2486 declaration by the 2014 reform,
  • And others.

These changes do not, however, concern the organisational and conceptual aspects of training (reporting, presence, budget, invoicing, etc.)

Outsourcing helps grow in a constantly changing environment

In case of jobs and skills that are changing and without any downtime, companies have to be very responsive in order to continue to develop while accompanying their employees at the same time. Add to this the advent of new technologies which require funding and trained human resources.

This is where outsourcing can become a very important asset since the provider has the duty, so to speak, to be on the page regarding tools and legal and pedagogical evolutions (virtual classes, e-learning, etc.). In addition, suppliers use standard and efficient processes to integrate and qualify instructors. They also apply specialized technologies to track and manage instructor preparation, availability and performance. Additionally, data is used to improve demand forecasting and manage training participation. To ensure successful delivery, managed training service providers often ensure performance by setting service level parameters, including sanctions and incentives.

The human aspect will always be essential!

Yes, we are living in a technological era! However, e-learning, MOOC and others will never replace the professional, flesh-and-blood trainer, himself constantly trained to deliver quality education. As part of the outsourcing of your training management, your company will be able to respond in time to the challenges that they are continually faced with. Equipped with employees trained by qualified people, your company will no longer have to invest time to adapt to the legal, economic or even technological changes that accompany the world of vocational training.

Why do companies choose to outsource the management of training resources?

Outsourcing is a strategic approach that impacts both the recruitment, qualification, planning and performance management of training staff. Service providers often have better access to a global pool of professional trainers. Thus, they can quickly provide skilled and experienced agents for a service that is straight to the point!

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