How will outsourcing with ProContact help your company overcome the economic crisis?

Today more than ever, as a company, you need to optimise your costs in order to continue to grow despite a destabilised and destabilising economic environment. Indeed, Covid-19 is not only a threat to man, but also to all economic actors around the world. At present, no structure is spared, both SMEs and giants of several industries. In order not to be part of the collateral victims of the coronavirus pandemic, you have an easily accessible solution which has proven itself for many years: outsourcing. ProContact is the first French-speaking contact centre in the Indian Ocean. With 18 years of experience in this sector, our teams are ready to take on new challenges for you and with you.

Outsourcing: what is it about?

Outsourcing refers to the use of a third-party company to perform tasks on behalf of your company. The agents involved are external to the client company, being the employees of the outsourcing provider. At ProContact, we take care of a wide range of tasks, including remote marketing, tele-prospecting, incoming call management and also tasks related to your Human resources, remote secretary, etc.

Why is this the right time to outsource one or more services?

To save on labour costs

Figures (as of January 1, 2020) support the cost of a SMIC employee working 35 hours per week in France:

Gross monthly wage:

  • Gross – €1,539. 42
  • Net – €1,219

So count €1,583 per month for an employee paid at SMIC and working 35 hours / week.

Other remuneration for the same employee profile

  • Restaurant Tickets (if your company offers),
  • Paid leave allowance (10% of gross remuneration),
  • 50% of home-work transport costs (if the employee takes public transport),
  • Occupational medicine (membership: approximately 65 € + visit: 65 € / year),
  • Maintenance of salary in case of illness or family event,
  • Mutual benefits

Bonuses for the same employee profile, if your company offers them

  • Thirteenth month or holiday bonus,
  • Interest, participation or abundance premium

Indirect costs

  • IT and logistics equipment,
  • Office rental,
  • Training and coaching,
  • Recruitment

Real cost of an employee’S work based on SMIC in France:

  • Low range: 107% of SMIC,
  • High range: 140 to 170% of SMIC

It is obvious that labour costs in France are higher than in other countries. Between wages, salary benefits, taxes and other items of expenditure, expenses increase rapidly, significantly reducing the profitability of the enterprise.

Outsourcing to our Contact Centre is the answer to this problem: as outsourcing providers, we take care of the salary costs of our agents!

For flexible human resources

Two factors that need to be taken into consideration

As a company, it can be complicated to thank an employee, the process being not only legal, but also emotional. In the context of outsourcing, these concepts take a different turn; one which is advantageous for the client. You just have to ask the provider for a suspension or modification of the outsourcing contract.

Stop suffering from turnover within your company

Currently, your company can not afford to have a high turnover. According to a global survey by Deloitte, 43% of millennials plan to quit their jobs within two years. Among Generation Z, 61% of employees say they want to stop working in a company within two years.

Outsourcing gives you the ability to adapt the resources available according to your needs without wasting time, money and resources.

To deliver a high-quality service always

Each employee or team has its own specialty. It is therefore difficult to ask these people to leave their contractual role to perform tasks which have low value added but are necessary. Examples include remote secretary services, telemarketing, satisfaction surveys, etc. By doing so, these human resources will quickly lose sight of their main objectives, thus penalising the core business of your company. Let’s add to this issues such as sick leaves, vacation, family contingencies, etc.

Outsourcing is, in such a case, synonymous with consistency thanks to trained agents and who are always up to date in the processes in order to meet the needs of your company. Our call centre manages its own human resources to ensure that nothing impacts on your needs. We ensure the continuity of our service, regardless of the events that occur, as was the case with general lockdown.

To mitigate risk and accelerate the growth of your business

Outsourcing helps companies refine their business models to become more profitable. As a partner, ProContact helps you maximize your performance while mitigating risks.

Contact us!

Britain is expected to experience its worst recession in three hundred years: according to the Office of Budgetary Responsibility, the country is expected to experience an annual contraction of GDP of more than 10%. Regardless of the country in which your company is located, outsourcing will provide you with all the tools to optimise your costs while remaining able to satisfy its customers.

As partners of each of our clients, we offer them great flexibility, know-how and cost-effectiveness. At ProContact, our Contact Centre has all the necessary technological means and trained, qualified and multilingual agents.

Today, companies that trust ProContact’s Customer Relationship Centre to take charge of their B2B / B2C prospecting, remote secretary services, customer relationship, CRM tool and software, Satisfaction Survey and human resources services are stronger to deal with the coming economic crisis. To learn more about our services and for a quality partnership, click on our contact form, send us an email or call us at (+33) 1 77 75 04 50.

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